Emerald Zoysia sod is the perfect Atlanta grass option if you enjoy taking care of your property and don't mind spending a little more time doing so. Emerald Zoysia is a dark-green, low-growth sod grass that can tolerate winters, summers and irregular watering. While Emerald Zoysia sod can handle a number of different temperatures and an irregular watering schedule, it thrives when given the appropriate time and maintenance. When properly taken care of, Emerald Zoysia grass is often considered the most attractive of the Zoysia grass species.
This is another species of zeon zoysia grass , which has its origin in the state of Georgia. It is a hybrid of two other types of Zoysia which are cultivated in the form of a mat. The leaves of this grass are thin just like the tip of the blade. But at the same time, delicate and soft in texture. It is ideally used for oriental landscaping and also for making golf course turfs. The growth rate of this grass at Atlanta Sod Farm is relatively slower than other varieties and can only reach a maximum height of 12 inches. The name is given because of the excellent emerald color is has. Like its other family members, the roots go deep down into the soil to absorb the little water present there. The Emerald Zoysia has a very dense appearance which gives it a carpet-like look when it is installed. It can easily adjust to any type of climate in the winter as well as summer but extremely bad weather will damage it and that takes lots of time to recover. It can comfortably grow even if it gets 3-4 hours of sunlight per day. For best results cultivate in warm and humid weather which is perfect in the Southern Regions of the US. Emerald Zoysia, available at our Emerald sod farm, forms a thick, dense turf, creating a visually appealing and uniform lawn. Other qualities of this grass includes, Fine Texture: Rich Green Color, Dense Growth Pattern, Shade Tolerance, Drought Resistance, Cold Tolerance, Low Maintenance, Disease Resistance, Wear Tolerance, Versatility, Establishment Efficiency
Hot Weather Tolerance | Tolerates extreme heat very well |
Shade Tolerance | Ideal in areas of full sun or medium shade |
Wear Resistance | Tolerates wear and traffic well. Has been used in large venues for entertainment and picnic |
Salt Tolerance | Good |
Injury Recovery | Recovers from injury slowly because of its slow-growing nature |
Winter Color | Dormant |
Mowing Height | 1 1/2 inches with a rotary or reel lawnmower |
Disease, Weed and Insect Resistance | Very resistant to diseases. Thickness crowds out weeds and other grasses. |
Watering | Apply 1 inch of water per week. |
Fertilizer | Apply 2 to 4 lbs. of slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually. Too much fertilizer creates a thatchy, unhealthy lawn. Make sure to use fertilizer labeled specifically for zoysia lawns. |
Mowing | Maintain a cutting height of 1 to 1 1/2 inches by mowing every 7 to 10 days. Make sure your mower blades are smart. Can be mowed with a standard rotary mower, but the lawn looks better when mowed with a reel mower. |