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Learn Everything About Laying Emerald Zoysia in the Dormant Season

Emerald Zoysia is a popular warm-season grass known for its lush green color, fine texture, and excellent durability. The best time for Emerald Zoysia installations is during the active growing season, in spring or early summer, when the soil temperatures are consistently warm and favorable for rapid establishment. But if you consider installing Emerald Zoysia, you might wonder whether it can be laid during the dormant season. In this article, our Atlanta Sod Farms experts will explore the feasibility of laying Emerald Zoysia in the dormant season and provide insights into its potential benefits and considerations.

Understanding Dormant Season for Emerald Zoysia

In the dormant season, plants, including grasses, experience reduced growth or temporary dormancy. In the case of warm-season grasses like Emerald Zoysia, the dormant season typically occurs during colder months when the soil temperatures drop below the optimal range for active growth. According to sod grass experts, installation and establishment can be challenging but not impossible. Appropriate precautions and considerations are considered if you want lush green grass during spring.

Steps of Dormant Season Installation

Contrary to popular belief, laying Emerald Zoysia grass during dormancy is possible. However, several factors must be considered to ensure successful establishment and long-term health. Here are some key points to remember, explained by our professional staff.

Soil Preparation

Before laying Emerald Zoysia, it is crucial to prepare the soil adequately. During the dormant season, the soil might be compacted or frozen. Loosening the soil and removing debris, rocks, or weeds will create a suitable environment for the grass to take root.

Proper Watering is Essential

Watering is essential during the installation process of warm-season grasses, including Empire Zoysia, even in the dormant season. The grass may not actively grow, but it has been advised by our experts to provide sufficient moisture that helps in root establishment. It is important to balance providing adequate moisture and avoiding overwatering, which can lead to waterlogging and other issues.

Mowing Should be Avoided

Before the grass enters dormancy, gradually reduce the mowing height to the recommended minimum. This helps prevent the grass from matting down and allows it to tolerate winter conditions better.

Avoid Foot Traffic

Minimize foot traffic on dormant Emerald Zoysia, as it is more susceptible to damage. Our professional team at Atlanta Sod Farms warns that stepping on frozen or brittle grass blades can lead to breakage and bare spots.

Beware of Fertilization

Avoid fertilizing during the dormant season, as the grass is not growing. Wait until the spring when the grass begins to green up before applying fertilizers. Additionally, it's important to understand how to care for Emerald Zoysia during autumn and winter.

Benefits of Dormant Season Installation

Opting for dormant season installation of Emerald Zoysia can offer several advantages:


During the dormant season, many suppliers offer discounts or promotions on grass sod like Zeon Zoysia, making it an economical choice for homeowners or landscapers.

Reduced Competition

With less competition from weeds and other grasses, dormant season installations provide a better opportunity for Emerald Zoysia to establish itself without interference.

Earlier Establishment

You can expedite the establishment process by laying Emerald Zoysia during the dormant season. As the grass emerges from dormancy, it gains a head start on growth, resulting in a denser and healthier turf come spring.

Considerations and Potential Challenges

While dormant season installation of Centipede grass sod can be advantageous, certain considerations and challenges should be considered.

Weather Extremes

Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snowfall or prolonged freezing temperatures, can hinder the successful establishment of Emerald Zoysia. It is crucial to monitor weather forecasts and avoid installation during unfavorable periods.

Limited Aesthetic Appeal

During the dormant season, Emerald Zoysia may appear brown or partially brown, lacking the vibrant green color associated with active growth. Homeowners seeking instant aesthetic appeal may prefer laying the grass during the active growing season.

These are the important points that homeowners should consider when installing Emerald Zoysia during the dormant season. Clients can contact us at (404) 631-7610 or visit the website for further information.

Below are three questions to further explain laying sod grass in the dormant season.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I install sod in the winter?

Installing sod, especially Emerald Zoysia, in winter is generally not recommended due to the challenges of cold weather and dormant grass. It is best to wait for the warmer months when the sod has optimal conditions for successful establishment.

What is the best time to put sod down?

The best time to put sod down is during the cooler months of spring or fall when temperatures are moderate and there is sufficient moisture for the sod to establish and root effectively.

Does sod turn yellow in winter?

In winter, sod can turn yellow or brown as it goes into dormancy due to the colder temperatures. This is a natural response, and the sod will typically regain its green color when warmer weather returns in spring.



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