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How Can You Maintain A Tifway 419 Bermuda Lawn Properly?

Laying down sod is an exciting event for every homeowner. However, once the sod has been installed, the ongoing lawn care process starts. While Tifway 419 Bermuda grass is considered easy to maintain, it still requires regular care to stay healthy. As one of Atlanta’s top sod companies and a reliable supplier of Tifway 419 Bermuda grass, we at Atlanta Sod Farms recommend this sod to homeowners looking for hardy grass for their lawns. One common question we get regarding this grass type is how exactly you care for it. While watering, mowing, and fertilizing your lawn are some obvious care items, you have to follow some grass-specific care routines when you own any lawn. Tifway 419 has some primary, yet essential care needs to be met if you want your grass to stand out. So, if you have been looking for Tifway 419 Bermuda care maintenance tips, we suggest you keep reading until the end.

Tifway 419 Bermuda Maintenance Tips By Atlanta Sod Farms

Homeowners love Tifway 419 Bermuda for its rapid growth and dispersion. This grass quickly fills up any bare spots in your lawn, thanks to its lateral growth habits. With that said, it can only show its rapid growth patterns if it is correctly cared for. So, here are some Tifway Bermuda care tips by Atlanta sod farms to enhance your landscape with Tifway 419 Bermuda Grass:

Mowing: Mowing starts as soon as your grass turns green after coming out of dormancy in spring. Once your grass greens up, you would want to mow it as low as possible without scalping it as it would stress the newly sprouting blades. Ideally, you would want to trim your Tifway 419 when it grows taller than 2 inches in length. You can leave the grass clipping in the lawn instead of removing them as they offer a decent amount of fertilizing for your yard. Although our sod experts recommend additional fertilizing along with grasscycling, leaf clippings in the lawn still cover a significant portion of your lawn’s fertilizer needs.

Fertilizing: While you can always add fertilizers before sod installation, ongoing fertilization is crucial if you want to keep your lawn green and healthy. Tifway 419 Bermuda requires fertilizer labeled for Bermuda lawns, and it needs 2 to 4 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per 1000 square feet. Make sure to avoid using high nitrogen on your Tifway 419 lawn during fall or winter because your grass won’t be able to convert it into food. Also, make sure to avoid applying fertilizer to wet turf to prevent burn marks on your lawn.

Watering: The watering needs of Tifway 419 need to be adjusted according to the weather and the lifecycle of your lawn. During summers, your Tifway sod needs about 1 inch of water per week once fully established. A newly laid sod will require more water in some cases multiple times a day if it is too hot. Proper watering is not just good for preventing grass from drying out, but it also prevents pest infestations. We provide our customers with a complete guide for the irrigation needs of the sod they buy to ensure they are equipped with all the knowledge they need to care for their lawns properly.

If you are looking for a sod farm, look no further than us, contact us at (404) 631-7610 for a complete range of sod.

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